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casually    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adv. ,。浅薄。草。敷衍。随便
superficially, perfunctorily, casually

adv. 便。附带。意。
in passing, casually
  1. I am certainly developing the wisdom of the serpent, for when Mortimer pressed his questions to an inconvenient extent I asked him casually to what type Frankland's skull belonged, and so heard nothing but craniology for the rest of our drive. (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)
  2. Drei Italiener stehen an der Ecke neben der Kasse, mit dicken Gürteltaschen um die Hüften, casually gekleidet. "Das also ist Starbucks!", sagt einer. - "Was ist Starbucks?", fragt der andere. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2001)


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