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sumptuous    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adj.adv. ①(植/草)繁茂。茂盛。郁郁葱葱。②(饭/食。营养。③(体型)。④。感觉。⑤(费/赏/份额)。⑥(头)浓密。⑦。繁荣。豪华。慷慨
luxuriant, lush, opulent, abundant, lavish, sumptuous, voluptuous, profuse, full, overwhelming, overwhelmingly
  1. "Much admired by the likes of Spielberg for its sumptuous desert imagery and its slick editing (the match and the sun), and more recently for its romanticised view of its enigmatic hero. (Quelle: TAZ 1997)


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