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Due Diligence    Aussprache  加入生词本  
Due Diligence
  1. 谨慎。应慎。应意。严。尽慎调慎性调。勤责。评鉴。
    市,文书求获自己。Due Diligence即投资投资运营程。2030托自己销股票债券足够解。
    Due diligence is the process by which information is gathered about the issuer in order to produce a marketing and a disclosure document that provides full disclosure, thus mitigating liability for those potentially at risk.
    Due diligence Risks:
    .. inadequate /inaccurate disclosure
    .. pricing not reflecting risk
    .. ill-informed decision making by investors
    .. undermining the reputation of the issuer and investment banks involved
  2. [die] (证券)谨慎。适意。适评鉴。
due diligence
[die] 慎。责。
due diligence, duty of diligence, duty of care


双立人(Zwilling) 中国刀 29.67

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