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improve    Aussprache  加入生词本  
vt. 使完美,改善,完
vr. 完美,完善,
perfect, refine, improve
  1. He did offer cooperation against Al Qaeda after Sept. 11, but he has also raised anti-American and anti-Israel feeling to new heights while doing nothing to improve Syria's pathetic economy or oppressive political regime. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  2. Avis Bohlen, a former second-in-command at the American Embassy in France and an ambassador to Sofia in the late 1990's, calls Bulgaria "a very gutsy little country" that has worked hard to improve. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  3. The technologically far advanced countries are undertaking strong efforts to qualitatively improve most of their military capabilities. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2001)


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