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[das] pl. Angebote 投标。价。喊价。供。供货。建议。议。
offer, bid, quotation, tender, supply

[die] 价。投标。
  1. He did offer cooperation against Al Qaeda after Sept. 11, but he has also raised anti-American and anti-Israel feeling to new heights while doing nothing to improve Syria's pathetic economy or oppressive political regime. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  2. At its best, providentialist thinking can offer a powerful antidote to self-righteousness. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  3. Nunc adbibe puro pectore verba puer, nunc te melioribus offer! (Quelle: Horaz - Horazens Briefe / I. Buch, 2. Brief (2))


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