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disadvantage    Aussprache  加入生词本  
v. 损。使吃亏。亏待。歧视。使位。

[der] ①(评)点。数。。②利点。素。
penalty point, point against, disadvantage, drawback, minus factor
  1. It has, however, one obvious disadvantage." (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)
  2. It was to take her at a disadvantage to obtrude love upon her at such a time. (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)
  3. They sense (correctly) that another face-off over the renegade republic in the Straits of Taiwan will put them at a decisive disadvantage. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2000)


双立人(Zwilling) 中国刀 29.67

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