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v. 照。护。照养。抚养。养。医
soigne, nurse, foster, cultivate, maintain, tend, service

vi. ①(诺言)履。遵。②(规/戒律/医嘱等)遵。遵循。照做。跟随。迎合。③()抓住。固。④(汇/速等)维。维护。
fulfill(US), fulfil(UK), comply with, respect, follow, meet, hold, maintain

vt) ① 护,维护 ② 维,遵
preserve, maintain

vt. 获护。维护。存。抚养。赡养。vr.幸存。存活。
receive, get, obtain, preserve, maintain, survive

protect, guard, defend, maintain

[der]获 obtain, receive
据 receipt
维护。存。藏。护。免受 maintain, preserve, conserve
  1. Syria, like Mr. Hussein's Iraq, is a totalitarian state run by a religious minority that has not shied away from relying on repression to maintain power. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  2. The Defense Department has done a good job of fighting the war, and tens of thousands of American troops will be needed to maintain peace after the war ends. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  3. This time the land attack preceded the main air attack, a strategy reversal that commanders say was needed to maintain surprise and seize the Rumaila oil fields but which increased the risk to allied ground troops. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)


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