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drenched    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adj. 浸泡。泡软。湿透
soaked, drenched, softened

adj. 湿透。湿。湿漉漉。湿淋淋
soaking, drenched, soaked, wet
  1. He had a carboy of it. He sprinkled it all around everywhere; in fact he drenched everything with it, rifle-box, cheese and all. Then we sat down, feeling pretty hopeful. (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)
  2. drenched to the bone. (Quelle: Die Welt 2001)
  3. "And admit that the waters around you have grown / And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone. / If your time to you is worth savin' / Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone" (Quelle: Junge Welt 2000)


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