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vt. 获护。维护。存。抚养。赡养。vr.幸存。存活。
receive, get, obtain, preserve, maintain, survive

[der]获 obtain, receive
据 receipt
维护。存。藏。护。免受 maintain, preserve, conserve

[die] pl.Aufnahmen ①纳。附。 absorption
③适应。。住宿。 accommodation, housing④容器。贮藏器 receptacle
口。口。通气口。通口。插口。插座 intake, socket⑤编。合。incorporation, intake ⑥写制。(音)。(像)。拍摄 take, recording, photograph, shot⑦解。接受。接 acceptance, receive, uptake, take-up
⑧接待 reception⑨(测)调 surveying
  1. If, after a 48-hour waiting period, we receive a second such allegation, we will be forced to terminate your username registration. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  2. And from the dregs of life hope to receive, (Quelle: Friedrich Nietzsche - Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen)
  3. And the fog gave us little time to receive him." (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)


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