
  1. There seemed to be little interest in the stands as people scurried by on their way, people might I add, who looked far from the picture of Germans I had developed during my years at school. ( Quelle: Spiegel Online vom 14.06.2005)
  2. Wissenschaftler aus aller Welt treffen sich Anfang nächster Woche an der Themse zu einer Konferenz über The big smoke: Fifty years after the 1952 London smog. ( Quelle: Die Zeit (50/2002))
  3. The Bush administration is notorious for promising wonderful pots of money when the cameras are rolling - the Monterey summit meeting on poverty nearly three years ago comes to mind - and then failing to follow through once the attention fades. ( Quelle: Spiegel Online vom 05.01.2005)